Truth is Everything
When my son, Makiah was twelve he needed a physical for his annual week stay at Camp Odayin located at Camp Knutsen in Cross Lake Minnesota.
Dr. Meeker did all the routine checks which were all normal.
Then completely, out of the blue and quite surprisingly, she said...
"Have you given Makiah the talk about the birds and the bees?"
I went into a deep state of shock and completely freaked out!
Later, much later...after coming down and contemplating the issue,
I took off with pen and paper to my favorite writing environment,
the Cornell College library and proceeded to write the book....
'Sex is Everything'
Someday, maybe I'll let him read it.
I have always loved love. I always love loving.
Enough so, that I came up with a cure for all the terrorists of the world.
to be a loverist.
I kissed my first girlfriend when I was twelve. It was like someone plugged in the light bulb for the first time.
It was like waking up to what 'energy' was all about.
Decades Passed.
I never really found the owners manual to
"all things love."
Each and every experience, each and every relationship
seemed to forge new truths, new revelations, new challenges, new beliefs
new understandings of 'love.'
No matter how much experience I had...
I always seem to be a novice of love.
I am fifty nine. And by now, surely an expert on the subject of love.
So, here's my story TODAY.
Makiah and Shari (Makiah's mom) and I got up early to go to University Hospitals to see Dr. Schultz, his heart doctor.
Makiah had undergone the Ross Procedure
of having both his heart valves replaced a year ago.
He has been doing GREAT!
And Dr. Schultz affirmed that with a positive EKG and echo cardiogram.
Life is GREAT!
The day before was one of the most beautiful days of my life. My 'wife' and I had made it through the most interesting twenty days of my life
as documented in 'Homeless in Iowa' which came about from those famous words spoken to me from out of the blue....
"you need to leave, now."
Life was never really dull with Shari.
Yes, a new boyfriend of three days instantaneously wiped out
13 years of being 'THE ONE.'
So, I was homeless for the first time in my life.
I took my golden dome Northface tent and walked about ten miles
to the outer edge of our small Iowa town.
I set up my 'meditation' tent in the middle of a corn and soybean field
Chris Bass's Beautiful Bass Farms
I started my meditation with questions focusing on,
"What is the ultimate truth?"
the most amazing simple magical answers were given in reply.
I learned a new integral meditation technique.
I went without sleep for ten days...I felt like I'd never need to sleep again.
Consciousness never sleeps, the original ONE zygote cell never sleeps
and the heart never sleeps. So, why would I ever need to sleep?
Despair arrived when I decided to give up all attachments to life and death.
I left a suicide note next to my bed and fell deep into my wakefulness,
hoping to die in the arms of my beloved wife and son.
Dying into eternal slumber in my Paradise Utopia.
After a short trip into the unconscious.
I woke up, again.
That was day ten. Yesterday, was day twenty.
And during those 10 days a lot unfolded.
Yes, 'the boyfriend' and Shari had changed the dynamics
of my relationships totally.
Makiah went through his 'emotional' break downs and
Shari was orgasmically happy with a new best friend to be obsessed with.
and I felt like 'the outsider.'
Transcending all my previous ideas, concepts and beliefs about love,
'The Awakened One'
had reached a new state of loving
'The Beloved'
which was turning me inside out.
I was blissed out!
Magic was appearing before me
in the most miraculous beautiful artistic forms.
Despite, 'the boyfriend' ....despite being 'homeless in Iowa'....
I was experiencing the best moments of my life.
Even sex was new, different and magical.
Extremely magical to say the least.
Yes, I was back 'home' occupying my upstairs bedroom...
while Shari and Makiah and the dog occupied the downstairs bed.
I had always dreamed of being awakened
by a most talented message therapist every day of my life.
It's never happened...
I decided to GIVE a wake up message and a good night message
to my beloved wife.
It felt a google times better than receiving a message could ever feel like.
Another new experience of Paradise Utopia.
Despite spending every moment possible with her new 'boyfriend'...
who after a recent divorce was completely infatuated with
'the world's most amazing mom'
Shari was giving me insider status to her life.
Two days ago ...the magic was revealed and performed
thanks to the geniusness of Solon Iowa's miraculously talented
artistic builder and sculpture
Dick Schwab.
The synchronicity and integration of an amazing window of opportunity within the heart of reality of the infinite universes, planet earth and
The Beloved....
was manifest.
Amazing beyond my wildest imagination,
amazing beyond my past wildly perfect spontaneous rituals of
Peace, Love and Freedom.
So, yesterday....
everything was so perfectly complete.
So much so I exploded in the most beautiful first ever heart orgasm
that set me floating and flying to new levels of being with
The Beloved.
It was by far the most beautiful day of my life...
after June 22, 1999...the day I delivered Makiah Orion Miller to planet earth.
My heart and breath were NOW pulsating orgasmic love
continuously for
My Beloved.
It was too much.
It was rapture.
I never knew rapture before. It was like floating in clouds of exalted bliss.
But, it had an in out, in out, in out rhythmic quality....
and the 'out' part had a sad quality involved as it was going away from
The Beloved
I layed down on the bed meditating til a new transcending solution arrived.
The Union.
And ALL was full and complete and total blissful rapture.
Yesterday...all seemed so perfect. As it most certainly was.
Today, after our early morning hospital visit, a lunch at Hamburg Inn and a trip to the Hy-Vee store for needed groceries...we returned home to....
A phone call from 'the boyfriend' and Shari taking the phone to a closed private location for the insider conversation.
I felt like ' an outsider.'
I went to Shari's side and began messaging her neck
as I listened to their 'intimate' conversation.
After a few minutes of continued conversation, they said their good-byes...
and our conversation began.
Insider vs Outsider.
Open honest authentic conversation vs hiding secretive exclusive dialogues.
I wanted Makiah to be a part of THE BEST life has to offer,
which for me means a direct clear pathway to the truth.
Makiah was extremely intuitive and feels everything from us,
his parents,
The more WE are totally completely and fully
the healthiest and happiest Makiah will be
in experiencing all aspects and all relationships in life.
Shari's 'boyfriend' and best friend was being told
of our very magical and extremely sex filled days
of discovering the most beautiful depths of intimate heart filled
truthfull experiences of love.
A friend, without the truth nothing.
With out the truth, there is nothing.
Even love without the just a meaningless game
of ego based gratification.
And Shari was playing the game...full speed ahead.
How could anyone be experiencing
'the truth'
at such amazingly elated levels of experiencing the life of
The Beloved
while on the other hand playing a game so filled with so much un-truth.
Life never ceases to amaze me. And people's perspectives on the reality
of the truth of love, never ceases to to amaze me.
Love is the raw juicy flow of creative play.
How that game is played defines the quality of one's life.
And the magic of one's life.
And the pain and disease of one's life.
In connecting conscousness with one cell and the heart ....
'The Awakened One'
appears to know and experience
The Beloved
in ever expanding experiences of knowing the truth of love.
Truth is Everything.
Spontaneous Acts of Love,
are all about each and every moment of life,
about each and every breath
and each and every heartbeat,
each and every place one's focused attention lights upon.
To see with all the senses
The Beloved
within the heart of reality
from which ALL is percieved ...
is the essence of
Paradise Utopia.
The in out, in out, in out rapturous embrace of
The Belove's
prescence contains the most profound truth of life.
To love and to be loved.
The beloved WE be.
The Baby Blue Ribbon and the 'Spontaneous Act of Love' campaign
came about from the inspiration of my beloved son, Makiah.
I wanted to compliment the work of the
Susan G Komen
Pink Ribbon Campaign for the cure of breast cancer.
I wanted to create the Baby Blue Ribbon Campaign
for the
'Ultimate Health of Oneself.'
A space to experience and know the ways and pathways
of the most benificial nutrion, exercise and attitude
America's Healthiest and Happiest People
A space to create and design new systems of harmoneous play
for the benifit of everyone on planet earth.
A space of beautiful pure perfect love
grounded in the truth of being oneself.
A space that singifies the highest ideals and experiences
of experiencing and knowing love. .
The baby blue ribbon signifies....
I see the truth or your beauty through the heart of one's ultimate reality....
the absolute geniusness of the one heart.
The baby blue ribbon signifies the truth of love's beauty.
The baby blue ribbon signifies the heart of realities truth.
The baby blue ribbon signifies the acknowledgement of
you knowing that I know the truth within
the power and wisdom of love.
The baby blue ribbon signifies,
Makiah Orion Miller
and his journey through life of experiencing and knowing
the ultimate health of oneself,
especially through the heart of
The Beloved.
The baby blue ribbon signifies
The Beloved LOVING The Beloved.
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